Online Coaching 網上
After marrying a Hong-Konger, and spending time between England and Hong Kong, we decided to translate our coaching work into Cantonese and offer it to those who wish to work in both languages.
You won't find much about Riverside Gym or our remote coaching on social media (apart from our client's thoughts below).
I coach a small, dedicated group of people.....
I purposefully stay away from the trends and fashions of fitness, focusing much more on getting people what they wants. I'm far more interested in being the "Cantonese word for undertow" of the strength and conditioning world.
My work is based on individuality, simplicity, structure and progressively expanding ability and confidence.
If you would like to be a a part of this group, please read on and enquire at the bottom of the page.
Training costs $1,050.00 HKD per month. You will
喺同一個香港人結婚之後,同埋喺英國同香港之間度過咗一段時間,我哋決定將我哋嘅教練工作翻譯成廣東話,並提供畀嗰啲想用兩種語言工作嘅人。 你喺社交媒體上面唔會搵到太多關於河畔健身室或者我哋嘅遠端教練嘅資訊(除咗我哋下面嘅客戶嘅諗法之外)。 我教練一班小而專心嘅人 .... 我有目的地遠離健身嘅潮流同時尚,更加專注於為人哋提供佢哋想要嘅嘢。我對做力量同調節世界嘅「粵語下流」有興趣遠啲。 我嘅作品係基於個性、簡單、結構同逐漸擴大嘅能力同信心。 如果你想成為呢個群組嘅一份子,請繼續閱讀同埋喺頁面底部查詢。
Customised Training Programme
Progressive gym training programme,
Delivered in 4 week intervals
specific to you
Ongoing dialogue
includes video review for technique
Assigned Resources
Guidance on nutrition, recovery, stress management and sleep.
Short courses with assigned tasks to promote change.
Performance Review
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